ESSOTL Welcome Program 2076

Er.ANANTA, December 24 2019

ESSOTL is one of the active society of WRC.Today,from the newly form committee with Shrawan Lamsal as president and Sankalpa Dhakal as secretary the welcome program is successfully conducted.All members of society are actively participated including MNS sir. Sankalpa Dhakal presenting his poem:

All Comments:

Thank you,everyone!

Commented by ananta raj shrestha

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शुभ दिपावली, छठ-२०७९ तथा नेपाल सम्बत् ११४३ को शुभकामना ---ई. अनन्त राज श्रेष्ठ


Er.ANANTA, October 26 2022

नेपालीहरुको महान चाड शुभ दिपावली, छठ-२०७९ तथा नेपाल सम्बत् ११४३ को पावन अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण नगरबासी लगायत देश- विदेशमा रहनुभएका नेपालीहरुप्रति सुखः शान्ति,सुस्वास्थ्य, दिर्घायु तथा उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व�[...]

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" विजया दशमी, शुभ दिपावली, छठ-२०७९ तथा नेपाल सम्बत् ११४३ को शुभकामना "---ई. अनन्त राज श्रेष्ठ


Er.ANANTA, September 30 2022

नेपालीहरुको महान पर्व विजया दशमी, शुभ दिपावली, छठ-२०७९ तथा नेपाल सम्बत् ११४३ को पावन अवसरमा स्वदेश तथा विदेशमा रहनुभएका सम्पूर्ण नगरबासी लगायत नेपालीहरुप्रति सुखः शान्ति,सुस्वास्थ्य, दिर्घायु तथा उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दि�[...]

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Er.ANANTA, August 29 2022

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Er.ANANTA, March 31 2021

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Er.ANANTA, March 21 2021

नेपाली युवा विद्यार्थीहरूले बनाएको गरूड रकेट लन्च गरिएको छ! १० सेकेण्डमा करिब 150 मिटर उचाईसम्म उडेर क्र्यास भएक�[...]

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शुभ दीपावली २०७७ को हार्दिक मङ्गलमय शुभकामना


Er.ANANTA, November 15 2020

शुभ दीपावली २०७७ को अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण आफन्त, साथीभाइ, सुभ- चिन्तक लगायत देश विदेशमा रहनुभएका नेपाली हरुमा हार्दिक मà¤[...]

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Er.ANANTA, October 26 2020

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Er.ANANTA, March 18 2020

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Muglan song


Er.ANANTA, February 17 2020

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Anonymous Says that..


Er.ANANTA, February 16 2020

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Er.ANANTA, January 02 2020

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Er.ANANTA, December 31 2019

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Hamro Nepal ma


Er.ANANTA, December 29 2019

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Nepali Song


Er.ANANTA, December 27 2019

Do you like Nepali Song? You know there are lots of evergreen nepali song in the history of nepal.The following song will help you to attract towards the nepali song.[...]

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Motivational Video


Er.ANANTA, December 27 2019

We listen lots of motivational speech as well as video to motivate itself but it remains no longer because of lots of reason.However,from the following video i am going to motivate you i.e. i hope you will learn a lot from this video and share this post for other. At last you will able to download this video by clicking three dots at the right-bottom.Thank you and have a nice day. [...]

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Copied from Facebook


Er.ANANTA, December 25 2019

This is the beautiful photo of one of the river of Nepal clicked from Ramechhap dristict of Nepal by anonymous. Actually,this photo is copied from Facebook page namely Routine of Nepal Banda. Hoping all of you get enjoyed from this post. I know you will download this photo into your device.Good night,have a nice dream. [...]

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"कखगघ नौ डाँडा पारी"


Er.ANANTA, December 25 2019

कखगघ नौ डाँडा पारी काली तिरमा कमल लाई साँचि राखी कसम खाकै हाे, खाडी बाध्यताले पाखो बाँझै राखी सपनाहरु टिप्न धाकै �[...]

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About Nepal


Er.ANANTA, December 23 2019

Nepal is a nation between India and Tibet known for its temples and Himalayan mountains, which include Mt. Everest. Kathmandu, the capital, has a mazelike old quarter filled with Hindu and Buddhist shrines. Around Kathmandu Valley are Swayambhunath, a Buddhist temple with resident monkeys; Boudhanath, a massive Buddhist stupa; Hindu temples and cremation grounds at Pashupatinath; and the medieval city of Bhaktapur.[...]

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Mr. Ananta Raj Shrestha


Er.ANANTA, December 24 2019

Mr. Ananta Raj Shrestha is currently studying engineering in Trivuban University,IOE,wrc campus. You may find him in below link: [...]

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ESSOTL Welcome Program 2076


Er.ANANTA, December 24 2019

ESSOTL is one of the active society of WRC.Today,from the newly form committee with Shrawan Lamsal as president and Sankalpa Dhakal as secretary the welcome program is successfully conducted.All members of society are actively participated including MNS sir. Sankalpa Dhakal presenting his poem:[...]

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Clock in c++


Er.ANANTA, December 31 1969

clock in C++ 1.Code for Clock in C++ by ARS #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int h,m,s,i,j,k; char c[5],d[10],n[17]; while(1) { for(k=0;k<4;k++) { switch(k) { case 0: strcpy(n,"baisakha"); break; } for(j=0;j<7;j++) { switch(j) { case 0: strcpy(d,"sunday"); break; case 1: strcpy(d,"monday"); break; case 2: strcpy(d,"tuesday"); break; case 3: strcpy(d,"wednesday"); break; case 4: strcpy(d,"thursday"); break; case 5: strc[...]

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Diagonalization Principle


Er.ANANTA, December 31 1969

The Diagonalization Principle Example 1: The set 2N is uncountable Example 2: The set of all real numbers in the interval [0,1] is uncountable. Example 1: The set 2N is uncountable Proof: Let 2N = {R1, R2, … }is the power set of N, it contains all possible subsets of N. We can represent each subset as a sequence of 0s and 1s, where the ithposition is 1 if i is in the subset, and 0 otherwise. Let us assume that 2N is countable. This means that there is a bijection between 2N and N, so we can order the elements of 2N accordingly. In the orde[...]

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IOE Notes


Er.ANANTA, December 31 1969

For all engineering in nepal there is official website of ioe where you can find syllabus,notes, routine of ioe.For more detail you can click in the following link![...]

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Poem By ARS


Er.ANANTA, November 30 -0001

हिजाे,अाज र भाेलि हिजाे जनताका लागि सास रहेसम्म लड्थे काेहि! अाज देशकाे लागि भाेकाे पेट लड्दैन काेहि!! भाेलि देशकà�[...]

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Visit Nepal 2020


Er.ANANTA, December 31 1969

This is the actual view of Machhapuchhre seen from Shyanja,Nepal.This is one of the collection for promoting visit nepal 2020.Write your action on it via comment.[...]

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